Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Years Resolution Time!

Every year, around this time, we do the same. We take a look back at the year and think about what we’d like to change in the new year. I personally love new years resolutions. Sure, people argue that no one actually follows through with their resolutions. For the first month, the gyms might be packed, but eventually they’ll become emptier as people trade in their resolution for a Big Mac. But even if that is the case, I still think its’ extremely valuable for people to have a reason to look back and reflect on their year. I love reviewing what I’ve improved on, what perhaps needs more work, and all of the great memories I’ve created during that year. It’s a great way to make sure that you’re more self aware. Plus, it gives you an excuse to create goals. So many people don’t recognize the power of goal setting. Its great to dream! Even if perhaps you don’t fulfill your goal in the timeline you originally set out, you never know when you might revisit that goal and succeed.

Goals work best when they are:

I also find that it is easiest to follow through on goals where I can easily monitor progress and congratulate myself on each obstacle I overcome. Its great to have a final end goal, but I can motivate myself better when I have a series of smaller goals that lead to a large goal. That way you never feel overwhelmed or discouraged!

What’s your new years resolution?

Need some inspiration for your new years party? Check out these outfits featuring Orangefish Jewelry:

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