Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Let's Start a New Trend: Love

I feel the need to take a short break from my usual subject matter to talk about an issue that that recently been brought to the media’s attention. One of my passionate beliefs is that every human is unique and that we should each be excited to let our personality, values, and style shine for the whole world to see. Unfortunately, so many of us are afraid to stand out from what we believe to be “normal”. We are afraid of bullies, and judgmental glaring strangers.

For most of us, the fear of judgment is a daily occurrence, but life experience has taught us to tune most of it out. But for some people, especially children and teens, who are still developing their own coherent sense of self, bullying can be incredibly hurtful, and as we’ve seen lately, possibly deadly.

The news in the last few weeks has been full of horrible stories of kids, most under the age of 15, who have committed suicide as a result of homophobia and bullying. Ellen DeGeneres herself released a heartfelt message that has spread like wildfire throughout YouTube. She begged for homophobia to stop in the media, politics, and everyday life. Adults making hurtful and malicious comments about a person’s sexual orientation can have a profound effect on how youth approach others who they see as different from themselves. No one should be afraid to hide their true self, especially teens and children.


I sincerely hope that Ellen’s message has been heard loud and clear. We all have our own bullying stories, and we know how much even the smallest comment or dirty look can hurt. So lets all spread a little love! Looks like love and acceptance is the hot trend this season! I’m going to wear it loud and proud. 

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